zondag 28 augustus 2011

Tracy Lizotte

A print by Tracy Lizotte.
She draws scenes from her everyday life with her daughters.

Steiff Teddybear

The best teddybears in the world are made by the German Company called

Where the wild things are

I loved this movie. It's more a movie about childhood then it is for children.
This is a handmade doll made by Ineke Gray, my beloved former neigbour, who has started a dolls studio where the dolls family keeps growing. She also gives workshops to create your own dolls.

little wulf

This cute wolf suit is a product from

zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

Dutch touch


. Who doesn't want to adopt this creature?
Created by Sigikid

Orfeo Design

a website full of the cutest babystuff
by the best designers

Papier Mache

Papier Mache is a wonderful child inspired Australian magazine. It is both an online an printed magazine filled with beautiful pictures and dreams.